Wednesday 2 October 2013

Forever Lusting

I know I haven't posted in a while and for that I apologise... 
On the 29th of September I moved from Spain to Manchester to come and live with my sister who is at University here (this means living in a flat with 7 university students!!). I am currently on my gap year, with my intentions being to go travelling to South America with a friend for a couple of months in late February. Until then I need to find a job, save the pennies and sort out my life a little for next year re university etc. I am currently doing the whole UCAS, personal statement ordeal  - my plans being to study Adult Nursing in London (fingers crossed). 

I actually have a job interview for a marketing company at 2:15!! Let's see how that goes...

For now, as I have been to busy to plan a proper post (I will do one on Manchester soon I promise) here are the absolutely delightful and delicious Chanel Espadriles my sister introduced me to a few months ago. Forever Lusting.

Hope everyone had a good start to October!

Lots of love,



  1. Good luck in your interview!

    I am going to make sure we have those chanel pumps soon enough....
